Enum EffectType
Status effects as enum.
Namespace: Exiled.API.Enums
Assembly: Exiled.API.dll
public enum EffectType
Name | Description |
AmnesiaItems | The player isn't able to open their inventory or reload a weapon. |
AmnesiaVision | The player isn't able to see properly. |
AntiScp207 | It slows down the player, providing a passive health regeneration and saving the player from death once. |
Asphyxiated | Drains the player's stamina and then health. |
Bleeding | Damages the player over time. |
Blinded | Blurs the player's screen. |
BodyshotReduction | Reduces damage taken by body shots. |
Burned | Increases damage the player receives. Does not apply any standalone damage. |
CardiacArrest | Effect given to player after being hurt by SCP-049. |
Concussed | Blurs the player's screen while rotating. |
Corroding | Effect given to player after being hurt by SCP-106. |
DamageReduction | Reduces overall damage taken. |
Deafened | Deafens the player. |
Decontaminating | Removes 10% of the player's health per second. |
Disabled | Slows down the player's movement. |
Ensnared | Prevents the player from moving. |
Exhausted | Halves the player's maximum stamina and stamina regeneration rate. |
Flashed | Flashes the player. |
Ghostly | Makes the player nearly invisible, and allows them to pass through doors. |
Hemorrhage | Drains the player's health while sprinting. |
Hypothermia | Cause the player to slowly take damage, reduces bullet accuracy, and increases item pickup time. |
InsufficientLighting | Cause the lighting in the facility to dim heavily for the player. |
Invigorated | Reduces the player's FOV, gives infinite stamina and gives the effect of underwater sound. |
Invisible | Makes the player invisible. |
Marshmallow | Makes you a marshmallow guy. |
MovementBoost | Increases movement speed. |
None | This EffectType do not exist it's only use when not found or error. |
PocketCorroding | Teleports the player to the pocket dimension and drains health until the player escapes or is killed. The amount of damage recieved increases the longer the effect is applied. |
Poisoned | Damages the player every 5 seconds, starting low and increasing over time. |
RainbowTaste | Reduces the severity of negative effects. |
Scanned | The effect that SCP-079 gives the scanned player with the Breach Scanner. |
Scp1853 | Increases the player's motor function, causing the player to reduce the weapon draw time, reload spead, item pickup speed, and medical item usage. |
Scp207 | Increases the speed of the player while also draining health. |
SeveredHands | Drops the player's current item, disables interaction with objects, and deals damage while effect is active. |
SilentWalk | Reduces walking sound by 10%. |
SinkHole | Slows down the player's movement with the SCP-106 sinkhole effect. |
SoundtrackMute | Disable ambient sound. |
SpawnProtected | Protects players from enemy damage if the config is enabled. |
Stained | Prevents the player from sprinting and reduces movement speed by 20%. |
Strangled | The effect that is given to the player when getting attacked by SCP-3114's Strangle ability. |
Traumatized | Make Scp106 able to see you when he is in the ground (stalking), causes the player's screens to become monochromatic when seeing Scp106, and instantly killed if attacked by Scp106. |
Vitality | Causes the player to become gain immunity to certain negative status effects. |