Enum DamageType
Identifiers for types of damage.
Namespace: Exiled.API.Enums
Assembly: Exiled.API.dll
public enum DamageType
Name | Description |
A7 | Damage caused by ItemType.GunA7. |
AK | Damage caused by ItemType.GunAK. |
Asphyxiation | |
Bleeding | |
CardiacArrest | Damage caused by CardiacArrest. |
Com15 | Damage caused by ItemType.GunCOM15. |
Com18 | Damage caused by ItemType.GunCOM18. |
Com45 | Damage caused by ItemType.GunCom45. |
Crossvec | Damage caused by ItemType.GunCrossvec. |
Crushed | Crushed by the checkpoint killer trigger. |
Custom | Damage caused by a custom source. |
Decontamination | LCZ Decontamination. |
E11Sr | Damage caused by ItemType.GunE11SR. |
Explosion | Damage dealt by frag grenades. |
Falldown | Fall damage. |
FemurBreaker | Damage caused by the femur breaker. |
Firearm | Damage dealt by a Firearm when the ItemType used is not available. |
FriendlyFireDetector | Damage caused by the friendly fire detector. |
Frmg0 | Damage caused by ItemType.GunFRMG0. |
Fsp9 | Damage caused by ItemType.GunFSP9. |
Hypothermia | |
Jailbird | Damage caused by ItemType.Jailbird. |
Logicer | Damage caused by ItemType.GunLogicer. |
Marshmallow | Damage caused by the marshmallow man. |
MicroHid | Damage dealt by a MicroHid. |
ParticleDisruptor | Damage caused by ItemType.ParticleDisruptor. |
PocketDimension | Damage caused by the pocket dimension. |
Poison | |
Recontainment | Damage is dealt by SCP Recontainment procedure. |
Revolver | Damage caused by ItemType.GunRevolver. |
Scp | Damage is dealt by a Scp when the PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId used is not available. |
Scp018 | Damage dealt by SCP-018. |
Scp049 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp049. |
Scp0492 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp0492. |
Scp096 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp096. |
Scp106 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp106. |
Scp173 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp173. |
Scp207 | |
Scp3114 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp3114 |
Scp939 | Damage caused by PlayerRoles.RoleTypeId.Scp939. |
SeveredHands | Damage caused by severed hands. |
Shotgun | Damage caused by ItemType.GunShotgun. |
Strangled | Damage caused by Scp3114's strangling ability. |
Tesla | Damage dealt by a Tesla Gate. |
Unknown | Unknown damage source. |
Warhead | Alpha Warhead. |